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  • Categories: Anabol supplements

Epistan, epistane or "epi", is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and has the same functions as epitiostanol. It is taken orally. It binds to androgen receptors in muscle stem cells and skeletal muscle cells. In this case, these androgen receptors send messages to the cells to increase nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. What will improve strength and muscle strength. Epistan is a c17-alpha-alkyne analog of epitoxan (in a number of clinical studies it has been confirmed that it has anti-estrogenic effects and can aromatize). In addition, it is in no case an antiaromatic inhibitor or AI. It is important to remember that this prohormone is not recommended for women and their bodybuilding purposes.

Price €45.00

Separate has two components, but its own class. One of the few remaining products of Methylstenbolone.

A specially formulated formula for reducing unwanted effects or prohormones during the cycle.

  • Elimination of water retention in the body
  • Blocking gynecomastia
  • Increases libido

With so many prohormones and other anabolic supplements available today, it's difficult to know which combination (s) are right for you. Do not worry, Sparta Nutrition has selected some of your supplements. Spartan Hard is the only complete composition you'll ever need!

The more powerful version of TREN-V is equipped with Epistane and Hexadrone for the growth of the highest quality muscles.

TREN6 advantages:

  • Increase of rock hard muscles
  • Significantly improved muscle definition in just a few days
  • Acceleration of regeneration

Extremely powerful triple combination of pro-hormones for maximum pure muscle growth, enriched with carbopol to improve absorption.

EPIVAR benefits

  • It ensures the growth of clean muscles
  • Effective 3 combination
  • Enriched with Carbopol
  • Aromatase immune

Estrogenex is the second generation testosterone supplement and anti-aromatase from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. Estrogenex uses 6-bromine, coumesterol and chrysin as active ingredients in the formula. These ingredients help increase testosterone levels while balancing estradiol and DHT production, which is essential for creating stable muscle growth.


RIPPED by ARCAS Nutrition is a unique combination of powerful prohormones that lead to extreme muscle growth without unwanted water retention under the skin.

Servings Per Container : 45 – 90 servings / 100 mg / 90 Capsules